

Xunai group

National High Tech Enterprises


Service hotline: +86-400-0516-069

Group advantages

  • Professional Technicians

    Our company is Xuzhou Electric Melting Refractory Manufacturing Engineering Technology Research Center, with 36 scientific and technological R&D personnel, 9 R&D engineers, 6 kiln technicians, and 1 kiln engineer.

  • Advanced Production Equipment

    From the determination of formula and melting parameters to model making, melting annealing process, etc., a lot of laboratory research and intermediate production tests are required; the ability to master these technologies is the primary obstacle to entering the industry. Our company continues to carry out technology in the production process. Innovate to improve product quality and grade, and maintain product market competitiveness.

  • Perfect Production Process

    By signing strategic cooperation agreements with Chinese Academy of Sciences, China University of Geosciences and Beijing University of Science and Technology, the company uses its scientific research results and innovation strength to enhance the company's scientific research and independent innovation capabilities, and quickly promote the development of new products and technologies. Now the company is actively striving for intellectual property scientific research achievements and various patent research and development work.

  • Professional Technicians →
  • Advanced Production Equipment →
  • Perfect Production Process →


The company's main products are AZS series of fused zircon corundum, ramming materials α-β Corundum brick and high zirconium brick are mainly used in building materials glass, daily glass, glass fiber, medical glass, metallurgy, electric light source, power plant, waste incineration and other industries as high-end materials for kilns.


Online Message

If you are interested in our products, you can contact us immediately, we will contact you in time, sincere cooperation!

Copyright 2021 ? Jiangsu Xunai New Material Technology Co., Ltd
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