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Maintenance and overhaul of glass melting furnace

Release time:2021-04-07      Number of hits:398

The reasonable operating system of the glass melting furnace is an important guarantee for extending the life of the furnace and obtaining high-quality products. The operation of the furnace must be strictly performed in accordance with the procedures prescribed by the process.

When the furnace is put into operation, we must always pay attention to maintenance. This not only extends the service life of the glass furnace, but also improves the quality of the glass. Not only is the design reasonable, but the excellent construction of the glass furnace can extend the service life of the glass furnace. If you pay more attention to strengthening maintenance and inspection, make it into the normal operation specification, the service life of the glass furnace will be extended to 20%~30%.

This is an important task for checking the entire furnace at a fixed time (such as weekly or monthly). Roughly estimate the erosion of the parapet wall, screen wall, one wall brick, bottom brick (cast AZS brick) and checker brick, observe the expansion and cracking of various parts of the furnace, and make a detailed inspection record, which is helpful to analyze the difference of the furnace Part of the damage degree, and take measures during the repair time.

The system network technology is used to compile detailed plans for overhauls. The release of the determined date, when the discharge ends, the date and start time of stopping the furnace cooling* to unload the furnace. Formulate the work schedule and personnel for each part of the kiln body. In the preparation of the construction schedule, the materials and various tools in the overhaul plan also need to be prepared. Make plans for the development of safety and labor protection products.

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